As he notes: "Folks, the Tea Party Express II Tour was my third time traveling and participating in rallies across America. I have met and embraced the American people and they me. They call me brother because we share values. They are not racists. They are hard-working, decent people concerned for their families, grandchildren, and country.
Here are a few of my fondest memories."
Read Lloyd's full report - HERE.
Lloyd,you will be in history books my Grandchildren will read about this great Tea Party movement ,and you certainley keep the intensity very high with every crowd.You stand high for millions of americans that are very proud of you.I Salute you and Thank You for all you are doing for this great nation.
ReplyDeleteLiberal Media has lost viewers to Fox Network, therefore losing money. Sarah Palin is a very attractive Conservative Candidate for President and that is a threat to Liberals. Their only weapon is the use of casting ASPERSIONS on Sarah Palin. Liberals doesn't have any Character and has lost all credibility with the American people. Obama is a Liar and wants to implement Socialism into our way of life. All Democrat Senators are TRAITORS to the majority of the voters and willing to accept bribes in lieu of re-election, these bribes are TAXPAYERS MONEY
ReplyDeleteU.S.Senator Joe Lieberman: I gave you a grade of F. Integrity and credibility has certainly taken a back seat. You said on national television you would not vote for cloture, but you did. That makes your statement a LIE. What did Harry Reid promise you that is worth more than your credibility to vote for this debate? You will support the final passage of SOCIALIZED MEDICINE, but the voters will never support you as Senator again. Holy Joe, you made a bad decision.
ReplyDeleteU.S.Senator Mary Landrieu: I gave you a grade of F. What price do you put on your credibility? You know Senior citizens will be hurt with the passage of this Socialized Health care. Harry Reid you speak so highly of will be gone in 2010. I find you as ingratiating, narcissistic, and arrogant. Your support of this corrupt bill will end your political career. You work for the state of Louisiana, and they deserve much better than you.
ReplyDeleteU.S.Senator Chris Dodd:I gave you a grade of F. Your Symbiotic relationship with the ETHICS committee kept you from going to Prison. You should have been in Criminal Court and tried by Honest citizens that would have found you GUILTY. Nevertheless, in 2010 you will be voted out of office. I think you should tell the American people why you went before the ETHICS committee.
ReplyDeleteU.S.Rep.John Murtha:I gave you a grade of F. You are not a man of Wisdom, You have had many experiences in life but none you could say prepared you for wise decisions concerning others. I find you to be very self-centered, arrogant, and self-serving. It's past time for you to retire, you have nothing to contribute, and this world has moved past you so please don't run for re-election. There are others better prepared to represent this Great Nation. FAREWELL!
ReplyDeleteU.S.Rep.Barny Frank:I gave you a grade of F. You and Chris Dodd should be in Prison; every time you open your filthy mouth you spew more Lies and Deception. Corrupt politicians will not be tolerated any longer. In 2010 the voters will implement TERM LIMITS and vote Career Politicians out of office. The Democrat Party with Character has become The Socialist Party with a Socialist President trying to Emulate Chavez. In 2010 he will become a "lame duck" President and will be gone in 2012.
ReplyDeleteObama serving as President feels he has the SOLE right to implement reparation without any concern to those being harmed by his decision. The 111th congress is not being responsible for their actions; they are too full of "hate". This Health Care Reform is the first major move towards SOCIALISM. Apathetical attitudes towards government for many years by the People have allowed corrupt Politicians to form a symbiotic relationship. Our only option is to vote CAREER politicians out of office. Many of these Politicians are Lawyers, and don’t give a DAMN about your Healthcare needs or how much money it will cost you. What do “closed door” meetings among Democrats say to you? Think long and hard before you decide to re-elect any CAREER POLITICIANS.
ReplyDeleteObama failed his mettles test badly, now we know we are in dire need of a commander and chief. Therefore Obama should be a true patriot and resign as President of the United States. He has proven from day one he is incompetent and lacks the wisdom to make hard decisions to protect this Nation. He continues to be adamant concerning the “public option” in the Health care Reform bill. This nation will never accept socialism, and that will be shown to be true in the election year of 2010.
ReplyDeleteSenator Bill Nelson (D-FL.): Why did you think voters would believe you or TRUST you after you made it very clear, your Integrity, and Credibility has taken a back seat. Your constituents should be foremost, but you chose to appease Harry Reid instead. CHARACTER takes priority in voter’s decision in every Election, Your Character is in dire need of Rehabilitation, your wisdom can not be found in the decisions you have made since your election. STOP: Take a closer look at what decisions you make, and do they meet the approval of the people that elected you.
ReplyDeleteU.S. Senator Harry Reid may have good intentions from a millionaire’s point of view; I certainly am not wealthy and I know there are better ways to reform Healthcare. Democrat’s biggest concern is re-election, and you know Trial Lawyers are your biggest contributors; that is why Democrat Senators will not support Tort Reform. Why have you put your Credibility and Integrity in the back seat? Seniors are against the “PUBLIC OPTION” and other aspects of this ridiculous Health Care Reform Bill. Stand up like a MAN and do the right thing and vote "NO" on The Harry Reid Version of a Reform Bill.
ReplyDeleteHarry Reid has misled the good people in Nevada far too long. It's past time for a Change; Reid is the most repulsive Senator we have. Bill Nelson (D-FL.) is the second most repulsive Senator. Florida is a retirement state for seniors and Senator Nelson voted to cut Medicare 500 Billion Dollars. I pray someone will run against him, I just don’t know how IDIOTS like Harry Reid and Bill Nelson ever got elected!