Friday, October 30, 2009

We're in Puyallup!! Wow - it's rocking!

We thought Portland was a great event. We've now arrived in Puyallup and it's stunning. The fairgrounds is PACKED. Thousands of people. ALERT: The fire marshall told us there so many people packed the convention hall that they had to move a large part of the crowd outside or else our event would be shut down. When I ran outside to grab something from the bus I encountered the event security informing latecomers that they were not allowed to enter the facility on account of the overflow crowd.

So speakers were set up outside by the buses so the good folks outside could hear. Estimates from officials on hand was that the crowd surpassed 4,000 people. Some estimates place the crowd as high as 5,500 - but my guess is that it was somewhere between 4,500 - 5,000.

The people of Washington State have sure turned out in massive numbers. Washington, D.C. -- can you hear us NOW??
Special thanks go out to the people who helped make this happen: Ken Morse and the Olympia Tea Party, Kirby Wilbur of KVI - 570 AM, and the great people of Operation Support Our Troops.

We just received a video from a great patriot who was at the event - WATCH IT HERE.


  1. Pelosi, Reid, and Hoyer must be having nightmares!

  2. We just got home from the Puyallup event. It was great to see the turnout. Watch out D.C., the Pacific Northwest is wide awake! Be careful though. LaRouche was there trying to get $50 membership fees. I didn't know what exactly they were about until I came home and looked them up online. I don't think they belonged at a tea party though from what I have learned so far. The magazine they gave us talks about how 9/11 was a government conspiracy.

  3. By the way, La Rouche wasn't AT the tea party, but just outside trying to get people as they were leaving the event.

  4. Woohooo!!!! I was there in Puyallup tonight and it was an AMAZING turnout..... Watch out D.C. cause the American people are taking their country back....

  5. Way to go Puyallup! I'd planned to be there after the Portland event, but they wore me out in Portland. What a wonderful turn out you had! God Bless America!

  6. Brandi: Our hat is tipped to all the good people who came out tonight. It was an incredible event!

    Debbie: I hope we "wore you out" in a good way!

  7. This was a great event, and well organized.
    It felt good to stand along side other Americans who felt like I do; Respect for country, respect for personal responsibility, and wanting to hold our Government accountable.

    Singing all those great American songs and reciting the pledge of allegiance reminded me of how it once was and how it could be again!

  8. Washington State will be in History Books, what a sight to see, I know Nancy Pelosi and her Band of Crooks are watching so we want the HOUSE and SENATE to shove their SOCIALIZED MEDICINE where the sun dont shine. If you support Pelosi the next thing you need to do is JUMP OFF A CLIFF.

  9. For all of you patriots, link up with me on facebook or email me at

  10. Thanks TPX! It was wonderful to host your org. and meeting as many of you as I did. I was working the door all evening and really didn't get to experience the function itself but the turnout was amazing. They just kept coming! The people there were amazing too! They were all so happy to be there in spite of WHY they were there. God loves us! Tip: It didn't start raining till our last table was packed!
    See you at the next one!!
    Tea Party...The Party of KNOW!
    We can do this...."KNOW WE CAN"

  11. Most definitely "worn out" in the best way!

    I found the Portland rally very inspirational and emotional.

    The music was great, the message and speakers were excellent, and the crowd was outstanding.

    It's not often that you get a chance to stand side by side with fellow Americans singing patriotic songs together. It's really quite powerful.

    I love that we recognize and support Blue and Gold Star Moms, and the service men and women who have given their all for our safety and freedom.

    While we're fighting to keep our Constitutional rights and to get government to listen to WE THE PEOPLE, we're also supporting causes that have made America what it is today!

    Participating in the TPEII made me proud to be an American! Thank you!

  12. I just made my reservations for the Orlando, FL event Nov 12th at 6pm. Anyone who didn't get to theirs and wants to come get a warm welcome in FL, come on down! We'd love to have you for the grand finale! Jacksonville or Orlando. I wouldn't miss it! You have inspired me to stand up. If they don't LISTEN, then I'm keeping track of who votes for what and will Vote to THROW THE BUMS OUT IN 2010 AND 2012!

  13. I found this video embeded in the comments of The News Tribune from Puyallup.

    doggyworld says:
    October 31, 2009 at 3:07 am
    I was at the Tea Party Express event and came away with hope that we will see change we can really trust in 2010 with a big change in our administration. Here is a video of the event at my youtube

  14. Debbie-I was the girl in the yellow hat in Puyallup=) The one in the front row of your first photo...I brought my grandma with me that night. She just had knee surgery, but was insistant that she be there. We love what you guys are doing for your country and believe you're making a huge difference. We love you guys!!!!!

  15. Very cool to see you there in the yellow hat! :)
    I'm not really part of the TPX coordinators or anything... I'm just proud to be part of the truly grassroots movement that is spreading across this nation! There are many groups to hook up with to find like minded folks... and WeThePeopleUSA.ning, and many FaceBook groups like Operation Can You Hear Us Now, Tea Party Patriots, and the Not So Silent Majority, etc.

    It used to be hard to find people to connect with, but it's getting easier everyday in no small part to the Tea Party Express! Thank you TPE and TPEII! I know you good people are sacrificing family and personal time to make these trips across country. It is making a difference. WE THE PEOPLE GREATLY APPRECIATE IT!

    Here's another video I found on FaceBook. A shout out to Jamie Colby of FoxNews from the Puyallup event.

  16. I went to the Puyallup Tea Party. It was so great to see so many People that think like I do. I hope
    that I can go to another one. I was standing for
    three hours & I felt great when I got home. I called my sister & her husband & told them about the Spokane Rally & they went to that one. I was so inspired about the whole night. I guess we will
    have to keep having Tea Parties because they don't seem to be listening. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.
